From Gas to Stars:
The Links between Massive Star and Star Cluster Formation
16-20 September 2019, Yorkshire Museum, York UK
We are pleased to announce a conference on the formation and early evolution of massive star clusters.
The aim of the conference is to bring together the communities who study the properties of the natal giant molecular clouds, with those who study the stellar populations. The release of Gaia DR2 in 2018 allows the structure of young stellar cluster and associations to be defined well for the first time. It also allows us to study more embedded structures, before the gas is fully dispersed. By contrasting the results obtained in this way with those that study the gas and dust component, in particular results from Herschel and ground based follow-ups with arrays such as ALMA and NOEMA, we can hope to understand how these massive star formation regions change as they evolve. Bringing these separate communities together in this way is especially timely. We also plan to bring together those with an overall view of the larger scale pictures of how such structures form in the first place down to those who are more interested in how the accretion disks from which the stars are formed feed and are disrupted in the cluster environment.
The conference will combine observational and theoretical aspects, with topics including:
- The global picture of young star clusters and giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy.
- Properties of star forming clouds.
- Evolution of molecular clouds: feedback and dissipation.
- Population and structures of young clusters and OB associations.
- Dynamics of young clusters and OB associations.
- Protostars in clusters.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Tristan Cantat-Gaudin
- Timea Csengeri
- Adam Ginsburg
- Helen Kirk
- Marina Kounkel
- Michael Kuhn
- Yueh-Ning Lee
- Richard Parker
Scientific Organising Committee
Hervé Bouy, Ignacio de la Calle, Paul Clark, Roberto Galván-Madrid, Alvaro Hacar, Stuart Lumsden (chair), Estelle Moraux, Rene Oudmaijer, Stefanie Walch
The conference will be held at the Yorkshire Museum, in the heart of York, an ancient city in the north of England ( York has excellent rail connections to Leeds, London and Manchester.
Abstract Submissions
Abstract submissions for talks have now closed. However, we are still accepting submissions for posters.
Registration Fee £300 (Late Registration Fee £350)
- The workshop is partially funded by the StarFormMapper (SFM) project.
- Registrants will pay a nominal registration fee of £300 to contribute the cost of catering: includes conference lunches, refreshments and the conference dinner.
- Other meals and accommodation are not included.
- Payment instructions will be emailed upon receipt of your registration form.
- A 50% refund will be issued if a cancellation request is sent to before Saturday 15th June 2019.
- Partners are welcome to attend Wednesday’s Social Dinner (£60), please email to book.
- Late registrations received prior to the 23 August will be accepted, and will cost £350.
Local Organising Committee
SFM at
The conference is hosted by the StarFormMapper (SFM) project, an EU Horizon2020 funded (grant number 687528) collaboration between the University of Leeds, University of Cardiff, University Grenoble Alps, University of Leiden, and Quasar Science Resources SL.