
StarFormMapper Workshop

Star Cluster Formation: Mapping the first few Myrs


Euroforum Palacio de los Infantes
Calle del Rey, 38, 28200,  San Lorenzo de El Escorial


This was a 2-day workshop on the formation and early evolution of massive stars and their natal star clusters. Combining observation and theory, this workshop tackled the the big issues of this field, including: the clustering of stars and gas, the initial conditions required to form star clusters form and their early kinematic and dynamical evolution (sub-structure, mass segregation).


This workshop was hosted by the StarFormMapper (SFM) project, an EU Horizon2020 funded collaboration between the University of Leeds, University of Cardiff, University Grenoble Alps and Quasar Science Resources SL. Our aim is to combine state-of-the-art models with observations from ESA’s Gaia and Herschel missions to map the density distribution of star formation regions, to constrain the mechanisms that underlie massive star and star cluster formation. To do this, we will develop new automated statistical techniques and common user tools that will provide a community wide benefit. Our scientific results will underpin the study of how all galaxies evolve.